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Representations and Metrics in High-Dimensional Data Mining
Author Radovanović, Miloš
Subjects nauka / filozofija nauke
Series Theoria
Date 01.10.2011.
Format 22.5 x 14
Weight 250
Number of pages 243
Price 1200RSD / 11.43€
Binding Paperback
Letter Latin
ISBN 978-86-7543-231-9
Sold Out Yes

"Informatičko doba" u kom se nalazimo predstavlja brojne izazove svakodnevnom životu i radu. Jedan od ozbiljnijih izazova je velika količina informacija sa kojom treba "izaći na kraj", što je posledica veoma brzog razvoja tehnologije i sveopšte kompjuterizacije. Iako nam, s jedne strane, računari pomažu da se izborimo s informacijama bitnim za nas (putem, na primer, elektronske pošte, društvenih mreža, internet pretraživača, itd.), s druge strane na računarima se gomilaju ogromne količine informacija u „sirovom" stanju, odnosno obliku u kom ih je teško analizirati, upotrebiti za namene drugačije od prvobitne, ili iz njih nešto naučiti. Informatička disciplina "data mining" (analiza podataka) omogućava da se iz velike količine sirovih podataka izvuku zanimljive pravilnosti i korisno znanje. Ova knjiga se bavi problemima koji proizilaze iz velikog broja atributa u modernim bazama podataka, često nazivanim "prokletstvom dimenzionalnosti", i njegovim uticajem na različite tehnike i aspekte analize podataka.


The current "information age" presents numerous challenges in everyday life and work. One of the more serious challenges is the great volume of information that needs to be processed and "defeated," which is a consequence of the rapid development of technology and ubiquitous computerization. Although, on one hand, computers help us to cope with information we find relevant (for example, by means of e-mail, social networks, search engines, etc.), on the other hand large volumes of information are amassed on computers in "raw" form, that is in a form which is difficult to analyze, use for means other than initially intended, or learn from. The computer-science discipline of data mining enables the extraction of interesting patterns and useful knowledge from large volumes of raw data. This book deals with problems stemming from large numbers of attributes in modern data bases, often referred to as "the curse of dimensionality", and its influence on different techniques and aspects of data mining.

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